Avaldame Teile kiitust ja soovime onne ja head kordaminekut 2011 Laaneranniku Eesti Paevadega. Uskumatu tore et on veel eesti keskusi ja rahvast kes naevad vajadust ja votavad ette sarnase suure kohustustega organiseerimise.
Joudu toole!
Jaak Juhansoo
esimees, Ulemaailmne Esti Kesknoukogu
Meil on soodsamate hindadega piletid olemas nendele kes on 6 kuni 17 aasta vanuses. Kes nooremad, on tasuta. Kahjuks, Teie 18.a tütar peab täiskasvanute pilete eest maksma. 5. juulil lôppes odavamate piletite müük. Me üritame kôigest väest piletite hinde nii odavad hoida kui üldse võimalik.
Tere kallid kaasmaalased ja jõudu teile kauni ürituse läbiviimisel!
Kuna tegelen Eesti Posti ajalooga nii kodumaal kui ka eksiilis, siis on minu küsimus vastav. Ja nimelt, et kas ürituse tarbeks on üllitatud eriümbrikku, -postkaarti või eritemplit?
Mu vana USA sõber Rudolf Hämar Lakewoodist on juba mitu aastat manalamees ja seepärast pole neil aastaail ka mingit infot USA-s Eestica alal toimuvast. Loodan, et veel elab mõni, kellele selline harrastus huvi pakub ja on nõus mind informeerima,seda ka varasema aja kohta. Selles veendusin kevadel Montrealis toimunud “Baltex XX” näitusel.
Jõudu ja rõõmu soovides,
Teie Ago
We recommend you reserve one night at the Courtyard by Marriott Portland Downtown at Lloyd Center, 435 NE Wasco Street, Portland, OR 97232, telephone 503-234-3200. You should still make a reservation at the DoubleTree Hotel beginning Thursday, August 4, 2011 until your departure from LEP2011. DoubleTree Hotel shuttle buses will be available to assist with your move to the DoubleTree Hotel.
Is your event open to the public? Is there an admission fee? If so how much? You may know hockinson is a large scanidinavian community and I would imagine you would generate a lot of local interest.
Our festival is open to the public and also to the many Friends of Estonians within our community. Tickets are available through http://www.lep2011.com. Ticket sales will not be available on-site at the day of the event.
Volleyball anyone? We here in Portland are intrested in putting together a bit of volleyball tournament for Rahvapidu at Alderbrook. We would like to find out is there intrest out there. Perhaps maybe each city could put together a team and have a friendly competition? Thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Let me know,
As Arne says….schedule it in the program and I’m sure you’ll have enough players sign up. So far, I know of 6 people interested….myself, Paul Raidna (if he is not in Estonia during LEP), my two brothers-in-law, Justin Holmes and Lembit Parik. I’ll let you know if I hear of any others interested.
Thanks, Enno
A LEP2011 Golf Tournament has been organized! This event will occur on Saturday morning, August 6, 2011. Please follow the developments on this website for further information. Thank you for the recommendation!
There is a long tradition of having golf tournaments within the LEP program. Of course, you will get a sufficient turnout if you schedule it in the program. Arne
A golf tournament within LEP2011 is a great idea! We’ve had successful golf tournaments at previous LEP festivals in Portland. Send an e-mail to me at kallemerilo@lep2011.com and indicate how many golf players you know who might participate in a LEP2011 golf tournament.
Avaldame Teile kiitust ja soovime onne ja head kordaminekut 2011 Laaneranniku Eesti Paevadega. Uskumatu tore et on veel eesti keskusi ja rahvast kes naevad vajadust ja votavad ette sarnase suure kohustustega organiseerimise.
Joudu toole!
Jaak Juhansoo
esimees, Ulemaailmne Esti Kesknoukogu
Tere koigile!
Kas teil on ka saadaval tudengite pileteid? Tutar sai 18 ja kaib ulikoolis.
Meil on soodsamate hindadega piletid olemas nendele kes on 6 kuni 17 aasta vanuses. Kes nooremad, on tasuta. Kahjuks, Teie 18.a tütar peab täiskasvanute pilete eest maksma. 5. juulil lôppes odavamate piletite müük. Me üritame kôigest väest piletite hinde nii odavad hoida kui üldse võimalik.
Tere kallid kaasmaalased ja jõudu teile kauni ürituse läbiviimisel!
Kuna tegelen Eesti Posti ajalooga nii kodumaal kui ka eksiilis, siis on minu küsimus vastav. Ja nimelt, et kas ürituse tarbeks on üllitatud eriümbrikku, -postkaarti või eritemplit?
Mu vana USA sõber Rudolf Hämar Lakewoodist on juba mitu aastat manalamees ja seepärast pole neil aastaail ka mingit infot USA-s Eestica alal toimuvast. Loodan, et veel elab mõni, kellele selline harrastus huvi pakub ja on nõus mind informeerima,seda ka varasema aja kohta. Selles veendusin kevadel Montrealis toimunud “Baltex XX” näitusel.
Jõudu ja rõõmu soovides,
Teie Ago
Palun soovitage teisi hotelle. Doubletree ei vota enam vastu registreerijaid 2 voi 3-dast 7-ni. Mis kohad on lahedal? Aitah. MPK
We recommend you reserve one night at the Courtyard by Marriott Portland Downtown at Lloyd Center, 435 NE Wasco Street, Portland, OR 97232, telephone 503-234-3200. You should still make a reservation at the DoubleTree Hotel beginning Thursday, August 4, 2011 until your departure from LEP2011. DoubleTree Hotel shuttle buses will be available to assist with your move to the DoubleTree Hotel.
Is your event open to the public? Is there an admission fee? If so how much? You may know hockinson is a large scanidinavian community and I would imagine you would generate a lot of local interest.
Our festival is open to the public and also to the many Friends of Estonians within our community. Tickets are available through http://www.lep2011.com. Ticket sales will not be available on-site at the day of the event.
Volleyball anyone? We here in Portland are intrested in putting together a bit of volleyball tournament for Rahvapidu at Alderbrook. We would like to find out is there intrest out there. Perhaps maybe each city could put together a team and have a friendly competition? Thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Let me know,
As Arne says….schedule it in the program and I’m sure you’ll have enough players sign up. So far, I know of 6 people interested….myself, Paul Raidna (if he is not in Estonia during LEP), my two brothers-in-law, Justin Holmes and Lembit Parik. I’ll let you know if I hear of any others interested.
Thanks, Enno
A LEP2011 Golf Tournament has been organized! This event will occur on Saturday morning, August 6, 2011. Please follow the developments on this website for further information. Thank you for the recommendation!
There is a long tradition of having golf tournaments within the LEP program. Of course, you will get a sufficient turnout if you schedule it in the program. Arne
Will you have a golf tournament for one of the activities? Even if only a few poeple are interested maybe a couple of foursomes can get together.
A golf tournament within LEP2011 is a great idea! We’ve had successful golf tournaments at previous LEP festivals in Portland. Send an e-mail to me at kallemerilo@lep2011.com and indicate how many golf players you know who might participate in a LEP2011 golf tournament.
I will try to find out how many “golfers” we have in the Seattle/Tacoma area interested in playing in a tournament at LEP 2011. Thank you.