Will you be joining us for the 2011 West Coast Estonian Days in Portland?
Let everyone know you’ll be here, leave a comment below.
Are you coming to LEP 2011?41 comments to Coming to LEP 2011? |
Looking forward to seeing everyone! Many thanks to Kalle, Tiina and their team for making it happen!
Kas kellegil on fotosid Los Angeles’i Metsaülikoolist? Meil
on album koostamisel, 1983-2005, ja vajaks fotosid sellest üritusest.
Tore jälle kokku saada!
Am looking forward to all the festivities — coming from Sarasota, Florida! I am expecting some cooler weather.
nii hea tunne, et koorilaulud on selged ja tulen!!!. Minu esimesed LEP!!
so excited!
Kõrberotid tulevad!
Naeme varsti!!!
Tuleme kindlasti!
Looking forward to seeing and meeting you all!
Rõõmsasti kohal!
Esimesed tulemas ja viimased minemas!
Good times
Noh, muidugi! Tulen Emaga koos ja meil on juba Balli kingad ostetud! Vend Alar tuleb Brusselist oma perega ka! Shall we caravan down like in the old days with maksa vorsti kurgiga voileivad?
(joudu portlandi organiseerijatele !) c u soon!
Tuleme kindlasti!!!
Kui te näeks kuidas siin hoo ja vaimustuseega ettevalmistusi tehakse, kohe oleksite tulemas! Ja ega toredamata kohta LEP jaoks pole, kui Portland OR
Can’t wait to see my nephew Justin!
It’s the place to be for fun, Estonian culture and getting together with friends from around the world. Portland puts on such a great venue. Wouldn’t miss it!
I had planned to be out to the 2009 LEP in Seattle and got side-tracked by firends visiting from Tallinn. However, I certainly hope to be at the 2011 at Portland. Always interested in making new acquaintances.
Kindlasti oleme seal. Suur tänu organiseerijatele.
Last time I was in Portland, was Esto’85!
Super thrilled to visit again after 25 years!
Tantsi tantsi, keeruta, keeruta!!!! Olen juba kohal!! Pidu hakkab, pidu hakkab…..
Grew up in Portland. Living in Vancouver, BC. Excited to perform in my hometown!
Yes, of course.
Olen kohal! Loodan näha palju vanu (ja uusi) sõpru.
Wouldn’t miss it!
I’m looking forward to a fun and well organized event.
kindlasti kohtume! Tuleme tantsima, laulma ja l6butsema!
Tiina ja Don
Oleme kindlasti kohal! Tantsime, laulame ja lõbutseme koos Teiega!
Looking forward to a fun time and a very well organized event!
See you in Portland!
I’ve put it in my calendar and am looking forward to it. The West Coast always does a spectacular job in organizing Estonian Days. We had a great time in Seattle and are looking forward to visiting Portland. Keep us posted.
To all our friends around the world, let’s get together for a super good time.
we will be there (Stephen Karl and Jared Lines and possibly Justin Lines and Amanda Jordan
so sad could not make it Plan in another two years
Thanks for all of your wonderful work
Ja, ja, ja, ja!
Wouldn’t miss it! Portland always puts on a great time!
I will see you there!
I’m so excited!!!!!!!!
We’ll be there!