
Planners of the 2011 Estonian West Coast Festival

Planning for the Portland Estonian West Coast Festival has become intense. The organizers of the festival are meeting in numerous committees throughout each week, and reporting to the Board of Directors every other Friday. We sense the increased momentum with each passing week as projects are completed and new projects begin. There is a feeling of excitement and anticipation among the organizers!

Continue reading Planners of the 2011 Estonian West Coast Festival

LEP 2011 Contacts

Estonian League of the West Coast

Kalle Merilo
2611 Glenhaven Road
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034  USA
(503) 260-4739

Board of Directors

Kalle Merilo Chairman
Tiina Johnston Assistant Chairman
Kalev Sepp Secretary
Erik Teose Treasurer
Triina Merilo Event Team
Toomas Palm Facility Liaison
Mark A. Petersen Performance Management
Krista Saul Event Team
Mati Sööt Event Team

Additional Contacts

Janne Sepp Schedule
Liina Teose Folk dance, invited performers coordinator
Kati Tamm Choral
Helve Kalmann Artistic Director Hõissa Tuljak!
Lonnie Cline Artistic Director Opening Ceremony
Erik Kilk Website
Mati Vaga Special meetings
Ingmar Saul Promotion
Elo Saar Sales and purchasing