
LEP 2011 Lääneranniku Päevade asukohaks oleme valinud Portlandi kesklinnas asuva Doubletree hotelli (1000 NE Multnomah Street – map). Hotell on sobilik kogu perele, seal leidub ujumisbassein, spordiruum, puhkeruumid, kohvik, suveniiripood.
DoubleTree Hotel (1-800-996-0510) aktsepteerib nüüd LEPäevade osavõtjatele hotelliruumide reservatsioone. Vastvalt EOLL ja hotelli vahelisele lepingule on osalejatel võimalik saada tube soodushindadega. Reservatsiooni tegemisel palun viidake, et tegemist on DoubleTree Hotel at Lloyd Center in Portland, Oregon broneeringuga ning reservatsioon kuulub Estonian League grupihinna alla.
Tubade maksumus on $104-$119/öö eest plus 12% teenustasu.
Lisa informatsiooni leiate Doubletree hotelli koduleheküljelt.
Doubletree Hotel Portland
1000 NE Multnomah Street (map)
Portland, Oregon, USA 97232
Tel: +1-503-281-6111
Reservations: +1-800-996-0510
Please be advised that from Thursday, August 4, 2011 through Sunday, August 7, 2011, all categories of rooms are now available at the Doubletree Hotel. On March 21, 2011, we increased the number of Doubletree Hotel room nights available on our contract block for LEP2011 because we exceeded our original estimates.
However, we were not able to increase the number of room nights for Wednesday, August 3, 2011 due to a coinciding convention at the Doubletree Hotel which ends on this night.
We recommend you reserve one night at the Courtyard by Marriott Portland Downtown at Lloyd Center, 435 NE Wasco Street, Portland, OR 97232, telephone 503-234-3200. You should still make a reservation at the DoubleTree Hotel beginning Thursday, August 4, 2011 until your departure from LEP2011. DoubleTree Hotel shuttle buses will be available to assist with your move to the DoubleTree Hotel.
We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. We are glad to report that participation at LEP2011 exceeds our original estimates.
Kalle Merilo
Parkimine Double Tree hotelli garaazis on tasuta igale LEP külalisele, kes osaleb hotellis toimuvatel üritustel.
Hotelli parklast lahkumiseks on vaja parkimispääset, mida on võimalik saada LEP registratsiooni lauast. Kuna pääsmed on kehtivad konkreetsel kuupäeval, tuleb iga üritustest osavõtu päeval võtta uus parklapääse. Juhul, kui te lahkute ning soovite tagasi tulla samal päeval, palun võtke uus pääse LEP-i registratsioonist.
Hotellis ööbivate külaliste jaoks on garaazis parkimine tasuta. Teie võtmekaart võimaldab lahkuda parklast nii sagedasti kui vajate. Iga toa kohta võib registreerida mitu autot.
Portland has a modern light rail system known as “MAX“. MAX’s Red Line runs from the airport directly to the DoubleTree Hotel. It will take about 20 minutes. At the airport you will find the MAX station near baggage claim on the lower level. Take MAX to the Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave Station. The DoubleTree will be across the street.
MAX is a very easy, modern, clean system. Downtown rides are free, but to/from the airport tickets are $2.35 Adult, $1 Honored Citizen (65+), $1.50 Youth (7-17). Children 6 and under are free. There are maps and electronic signs at the stations and in each car.

Once you are at the hotel, MAX runs several lines (Red, Blue, and Green) from the hotel (Lloyd Center Station) to downtown Portland. These are all are in the Free Rail Zone. It is free to ride — all day, every day — from the DoubleTree to and from downtown Portland. Here is an excellent map.