Welcome to Portland, Oregon for the West Coast Estonian Days of 2011! The festival was held August 3-7, 2011 at the Doubletree Hotel Portland.
The Portland LEP2011 festival organizing committee has been working diligently to create a profound and memorable festival, which we hope will take this 58 year old tradition into the hearts of the new generation of Estonian-Americans. We have many new events planned to spark the interests of our youth all the way to our elderly. We hope to rekindle Estonian passion in our West Coast communities, and also with the many Friends of Estonians among us!
Teretulemast XXX Lääneranniku Eesti Päevadele Portland Oregoni! Festival toimub 3-7. augustini 2011.a Portlandi linnas, Doubletree hotellis.
Portlandi LEP2011 päevade korraldustoimkond on asunud hoogsalt tööle, et kokku panna meeldejäävat ning südamesse minevat festivali. Soovime seda 58 aastast traditsiooni viia meie noore ameerika-eestlaste generatsiooni südamesse. Meil on plaanis mitmeid uusi üritusi, mis peaks pakkuma huvi igale eale. Soovime taas sütitada eestluse vaimu Lääneranniku eesti kogukondade seas, samuti meie eesti sõpruskonna hulgas!
We did it ! Together, we brought nearly 800 participants to LEP2011 to celebrate world- class Estonian music, folk dance, and many other aspects of our cultural heritage. That’s more than 200 over our goal! We worked hard during the festival, and all our events occurred with great success. The performances were awe-inspiring, and the participants returned home with wonderful memories.
We are grateful for the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication all of you brought as volunteers to LEP2011. Thank you for the generous donation of your time and efforts !
By all of our volunteer efforts, we set a wonderful example for LEP 2013, and demonstrated the power of individuals working together to create a remarkable festival.
Leo Rosten, noted academic and humorist, wrote “The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” We are fortunate to belong to a community that places great value on volunteerism. Our combined efforts to en- hance Estonian cultural life in our community have made a difference in all of our lives.
Thank you very much for your tremendous help with organizing our great celebration of Estonian culture and ethnicity in Portland !
Kuld Lõvi nightly entertainment (DoubleTree Hotel) Kihnu Poisid from Estonia
VAM from Vancouver
Hapsala from Portland
Kuld Lõvi Seminars (DoubleTree Hotel)
Rein Lepnurm, 9 am, Thursday, 8/4/2011
Estonian Ambassdor to the United States, Väino Reinart, 10 am, Thursday, 8/4/2011
Dr. Toomas Palm, 11 am, Thursday, 8/4/2011
Arvo Vercamer, 9:30 am, Friday, 8/5/2011
Janno Vesik, director of Kihnu Poisid, “Kihnu rahva kombed”, 11 am, Friday, 8/5/2011
EELK Piiskop Andres Taul, “EELK täna ja homme”, Saturday, 1:30 pm, 8/6/2011
Bus departure times (DoubleTree Hotel)
Opening Ceremony at St. Mary’s Academy, buses depart DoubleTree at 6:00 pm, 8/3/2011
Rahvapidu at Alderbrook Park Resort, buses depart DoubleTree at 12:00 pm, 8/4/2011
Open-air worship service at The Grotto, buses depart DoubleTree at 8:00 am
DoubleTree bar service drink tickets available from LEP2011 Registration Desk (DoubleTree Hotel)
$49.50 for 10 drink tickets for beer, wine and house brand mixed drinks (includes gratuity)
Bar service will be available at:
– Hõissa Tuljak
– Celebrate Pacific NW Style at the Ball (starts at 6:00 PM in the foyer)
– Kuld Lõvi
Merchantcards accepted at LEP2011 Registration desk, the Estonia Store and St. Mary’s Academy:
Free parking at the DoubleTree Hotel parking lot for all hotel guests and festival attendees
Overnight guests use room key for no expense entry and exit from DoubleTree parking lot
Daytime guests of LEP2011 obtain free parking voucher from Kuld Lõvi each day you attend LEP2011
Alderbrook Park Resort admission
Advance ticket sales only for admission to Rahvapidu. Admission tickets will not be available for purchase at the gate.
Kuld Lõvi admission (DoubleTree Hotel)
Only registered attendees of LEP2011 will gain admission to Kuld Lõvi. Guests must show a LEP2011 lapel pin or handband for admission to this private event.
Ticket sales and “Will Call” tickets will be available at the door for the following events
Opening Ceremony/Concert
Kajakas/Kungla Folk Dance Concert
Hõissa Tuljak!
Portlandia Celebrates Estonian Music!
LEP 2011 Lääneranniku Päevade asukohaks oleme valinud Portlandi kesklinnas asuva Doubletree hotelli (1000 NE Multnomah Street – map). Hotell on sobilik kogu perele, seal leidub ujumisbassein, spordiruum, puhkeruumid, kohvik, suveniiripood.
DoubleTree Hotel (1-800-996-0510) aktsepteerib nüüd LEPäevade osavõtjatele hotelliruumide reservatsioone. Vastvalt EOLL ja hotelli vahelisele lepingule on osalejatel võimalik saada tube soodushindadega. Reservatsiooni tegemisel palun viidake, et tegemist on DoubleTree Hotel at Lloyd Center in Portland, Oregon broneeringuga ning reservatsioon kuulub Estonian League grupihinna alla.
Tubade maksumus on $104-$119/öö eest plus 12% teenustasu.
Lisa informatsiooni leiate Doubletree hotelli koduleheküljelt.
Doubletree Hotel Portland
1000 NE Multnomah Street (map)
Portland, Oregon, USA 97232
Tel: +1-503-281-6111
Reservations: +1-800-996-0510
St. Mary’s Academy, 1615 SW Fifth Ave, Portland, OR
Wednesday August 3, 7:30 pm
Lonnie Cline leads a combined choir of over 100 singers from Clackamas Community College Chamber Choir, Unistus Chamber Choir, members of Estonian mixed choirs from the West Coast and from Ontario, Canada, along with members from the Portland Symphonic Choir, Oregon Repertory Singers, Bach Cantata Choir, and the Oregon City High School Singers, together with a 32 member orchestra, in this concert to be remembered.
The opening ceremony commences with a regal, narrated procession of West Coast Estonian Festival Emblems from 1953 through the current festival.
LEP2011’s home base will be the Doubletree Hotel Portland in central Portland, Oregon (1000 NE Multnomah Street – map). A block of rooms has been reserved for August 2, 2011 – August 7, 2011. The special room rate will be available until July 26, 2011 or until the group block is sold-out.
The Doubletree Hotel is adjacent to the Lloyd Center Mall, a large city park, and the MAX Light rail line to both the airport and downtown Portland.
The DoubleTree Hotel is now accepting hotel room reservations either online or at 1-800-996-0510. During your reservation request, please indicate that your reservation is for the DoubleTree Hotel at Lloyd Center in Portland and for the West Coast Estonian Festival. Rooms are $105-$120/night. Overnight parking is free. The confirmation letter from the hotel will incorrectly state parking is $18, but it is free according to our contract with them.
Doubletree Hotel Portland
1000 NE Multnomah Street (map)
Portland, Oregon, USA 97232
Tel: +1-503-281-6111
Reservations: +1-800-996-0510
Please be advised that from Thursday, August 4, 2011 through Sunday, August 7, 2011, all categories of rooms are now available at the Doubletree Hotel. On March 21, 2011, we increased the number of Doubletree Hotel room nights available on our contract block for LEP2011 because we exceeded our original estimates.
However, we were not able to increase the number of room nights for Wednesday, August 3, 2011 due to a coinciding convention at the Doubletree Hotel which ends on this night.
We recommend you reserve one night at the Courtyard by Marriott Portland Downtown at Lloyd Center, 435 NE Wasco Street, Portland, OR 97232, telephone 503-234-3200. You should still make a reservation at the DoubleTree Hotel beginning Thursday, August 4, 2011 until your departure from LEP2011. DoubleTree Hotel shuttle buses will be available to assist with your move to the DoubleTree Hotel.
We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. We are glad to report that participation at LEP2011 exceeds our original estimates.
Andres Taul was born in Tartu on 11 August, 1936 into a clerical family. He began his studies in Ireland and Germany, and graduated Oxford University with his bachelors and masters degrees. He defended his doctoral dissertation in the US in l966. He was ordained by Archbishop Kõpp in l961, the last pastor to be ordained by him.
Bishop Taul has served Estonian congregations in England, the USA, and Canada. He has been the pastor of the Toronto St. Peter’s congregation since l982. In l988 he was the first pastor of the E.E.L.K. (Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church) to visit Estonia. He was the first chairman of the church’s Song and Prayer Book committee, and a visiting lecturer and the first chaplain at the University of Tartu. He had the idea to restore the congregation at the university, and did so.
His wife, Eneri Taul, is an architect. The couple has a son, and two daughters, all of whom live in Canada. Andres’ father, Jaak (b. 1905) and his sisters Virge and Tiina live in England. Andres Taul has been honored with the medal of the Estonian Red Cross for his role in the preservation of Estonian culture in Canada.
St. Mary’s Academy, 1615 SW Fifth Ave, Portland, OR
Kolmapäeval, 3. augustil, kell 7:30 pl.
LEP2011 unustamatuks avalöögiks astub üles Lonnie Cline, kes juhatab üle saja liikmelist ühendkoori ja kolmekümne kahe liikmelist orkestrit. Kooris laulavad Clackamas Community College’i kammerkoor, kammerkoor Unistus, segakoorid USA läänerannikult ja Ontariost, Kanadas. Lauljaid on veel ka Portland Symphonic Choir, Oregon Repertory Singers ja Oregon City High School Singers kooridest.
Avatseremoonia juhatab sisse Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade embleemide pidulik, seletustega saadetud sissemarss, kus esitleme LEP-i vappe alates aastast 1953 kuni tänaseni.
Kontserdi esimene pool algab Cyrillus Kreegi “Reekviemiga”, mis on esimene eesti helilooja loodud reekviem. Kreek komponeeris selle majesteetliku helitöö aastail 1925-1927. Esiettekanne toimus 20. oktoobril 1929 aastal Tallinnas, Estonia Muusikaosakonna Segakoori ja Eesti Sümfooniaorkestri esituses. See vägev kompositsioon sisaldab selgesti äratuntavaid eesti rahvamuusika motiive. Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade 2011 avatseremoonial esitatatav ettekanne saab olema esimene esitus Põhja-Ameerika mandril koos koori ja täis orkestriga.
Andres Taul on sündinud 11. augustil 1936. aastal Tartus vaimuliku peres. Õppinud Iirimaal, Saksamaal, lõpetanud Oxfordi ülikooli bakalaureuse ja magistrina. 1996. aastal kaitses USAs doktorikraadi. Õpetajaks ordineeritud 1961. aastal peapiiskop Johan Kõpu poolt. Oli viimane, keda peapiiskop Kõpp ordineeris.
Teeninud eesti kogudusi Inglismaal, USAs ja Kanadas. Alates 1982. aastast Toronto Peetri koguduse õpetaja. 1988. aastal külastas esimese E.E.L.K. õpetajana Eestit. Oli Kiriku Laulu- ja Palveraamatu komitee esimees, külalislektor ja esimene kaplan Tartu ülikoolis. Tartu ülikooli koguduse taastamise mõtte algataja ja läbiviija.
Abikaasa Eneri Taul on arhitekt, peres on poeg ja kaks tütart, kes kõik elavad Kanadas. Isa Jaak (sündinud 1905) ja õed Virge ning Tiina elavad Inglismaal. Andres Taul on autasustatud Eesti Punase Risti teenetemärgiga eestluse hoidmise eest Kanadas.
The LEP 2011 Rahvapidu (Folk Picnic) will be held at the majestic evergreen setting of Alderbrook Park. Thursday, August 4th 2011 from 2 – 8 pm. The park is located 45 minutes from Portland in Brush Prairie WA.
Come spend a fun filled day at Alderbrook. The park offers pool with changing rooms, pedal boats on the lake, miniature golf, horseshoes, Volleyball, Dunk Tank, and nature trail.
Events planned:
Children – Treasure Hunt, Arts and Crafts, games, pirate ship to explore and a bubble extravaganza.
Everyone – Pedal Boat Competition on the Lake, Amazing Maze Race Competition, Volleyball Competition and games.
Lectures (30 min each) on Estonian Cooking featuring Kapsas Kotlet (Cabbage Patty) by Anne Eby, Silver Smithing by Arvo Vercamer, and the Spirit of Estonia: A Photo Essay of Estonia through Danish/American Eyes by Mark Petersen.
Bus tickets can be purchased in advance for transportation to the picnic. Busses will leave between 12 noon – 1 pm. Bus tickets must be purchased in advance.
Bring cash to the picnic to purchase beer or wine. Included hot dog snack after 2 pm. Included BBQ Dinner served between 4:30-6:30. Busses will start returning to the hotel at 8:15 pm.
Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade Rahvapidu toimub neljapäeval 4.augustil 2011kella 2 –8 pl. ilusas Alderbrook Park-s.
Metsapark asub Portlandist 45 min kagusel Brush Prairie linnakese juures WA-s. Pargis ootab ees täismõõtmetega ujumisbassein koos laste basseiniga, pedaalpaadid järvel sõitmiseks, tore minigolfirada, 2 võrkpalliplatsi, lasteväljak piraadilaeva ja labürindiga.
Meelelahutust pakuvad muusikud ja rahvatantsijad Eestist- Kihnu Poisid, Ahto Nurk ja Virve Lääne ja rahvatantsu ansambel Kajakas. Ülesastuvad ka Lääneranniku omad esinejad. Ootame teid piknikule, et koos veeta tore pärastlõuna toidu, muusika ja tantsu saatel. Transport parki ja tagasi Doubletree Hotel hotelli toimub bussidega.
Bus tickets can be purchased in advance for transportation to the picnic. Busses will leave between 12 noon – 1 pm. Bus tickets must be purchased in advance.
Bring cash to the picnic to purchase beer or wine. Included hot dog snack after 2 pm. Included BBQ Dinner served between 4:30-6:30. Busses will start returning to the hotel at 8:15 pm.
Events planned:
Children – Treasure Hunt, Arts and Crafts, games, pirate ship to explore and a bubble extravaganza.
Everyone – Pedal Boat Competition on the Lake, Amazing Maze Race Competition, Volleyball Competition and games.
Lectures (30 min each) on Estonian Cooking featuring Kapsas Kotlet (Cabbage Patty) by Anne Eby, Silver Smithing by Arvo Vercamer, and the Spirit of Estonia: A Photo Essay of Estonia through Danish/American Eyes by Mark Petersen.
Our choral and folk dance program is presented through the narration of “Tuljak”, Estonia’s most famous song and dance. Singers, dancers, musicians, and children from Estonia, Canada, and the West Coast join together in a musical interpretation of this much-loved wedding story. Our own “Viruvanem” and his lovely wife invite us to gather in the village square. There, we meet the young couple Tõnni and Manni, and join in celebrating their marriage. Audience participation is encouraged with several sing-a-longs and a community waltz. A musical extravaganza!
Participating in this grand production is a cast of over 250 performers! Kihnu Poisid, Ahto Nurk and Virve Lääne, Kajakas folk dance troupe from Pärnu, Unistus choir, Clackamas Community College Chamber Choir, Trillium Voices Ensemble, Kungla folk dance troupe from Toronto, The Toronto choir, the Hamilton choir, Kilplased folk dance troupe from Vancouver BC, Keerutajad folk dance troupe from Vancouver BC, the Vancouver BC choir, Leelo women’s ensemble, Tuhandest Tuultest folk dance troupe from Seattle, the Seattle choir, the San Francisco choir, Tulehoidjad folk dance troupe from Portland, the Portland choir, and the childrens choir and folk dance troupe from the West Coast.
Meie koorilaulu- ja tantsueeskava esitatakse eesti tuntuima laulu ja rahvatantsu “Tuljaku” raames. Lauljad, tantsijad, muusikud ja lapsed Eestist, Kanadast ja USA Läänerannikult kogunevad selle armastatud pulmaloo lavaliseks tõlgendamiseks. Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade “Viruvanem” ja ta kaunis kaasa paluvad meid külavainule koguneda. Seal kohtame noorpaari Tõnni ja Manni ja osaleme nende pulmapeol. Pealtvaatajaid kutsutakse ühinema mitme ühislaulu ja Perekonnavalsiga. Võimas muusikalavastus!
Suurlavastusel osaleb üle 250 esineja! “Kihnu Poisid”, Ahto Nurk ja Virve Lääne, rahvatantsurühm “Kajakas” Pärnust, kammerkoor “Unistus” Oregonist, Clackamase Rahvaülikooli kammerkoor Oregonist, ansambel “Trillium Voices”, rahvatantsurühm “Kungla” Torontost, Toronto segakoor “Estonia”, Hamiltoni segakoor, rahvatantsurühmad “Kilplased” ja “Keerutajad” Vancouver BC’st, Vancouver BC segakoor, naisansambel “Leelo” Vancouver BC’st, rahvatantsurühm “Tuhandest Tuulest” Seattle’ist, Seattle’i segakoor, San Francisco segakoor, rahvatantsurühm “Tulehoidjad” Portlandist, Portlandi segakoor ja Lääneranniku lastekoor ning -rahvatantsurühm.
The folk dance concert by our two farthest folk dance troupes promises to be a feast for the eyes and ears!“Kajakas” from Pärnu and “Kungla” from Toronto will both perform awesome dances at this concert.
“Kajakas” advanced youth folk dance troupe will delight us with their high-energy dances, precision and fancy footwork just as they have throughout Europe.
“Why is there no more dance group in Toronto?” That question was asked by many people, and because of that, some former dancers and board members got together in the fall of 2009 and we asked the same question. Why is there no more dance group in Toronto? And with that, we started talking about how to get a dance group in Toronto again. Was there even enough interest amongst kids and their parents to start up a children’s group again?
In January 2010 practices began again. The children’s group practiced on Saturdays after Lasteaed and brownie and cub meetings, and the older group practiced on Wednesdays in the Great Hall at the Estonian House. In total, we had over sixty dancers. Seems that there are people interested in dancing in Toronto after all!
Kaks meie festivali kõige kaugemalt tulnud tantsurühma pakuvad ühiskontserdil nii silmailu, kui mõnusat kuulamist! Oma tantsutervituse toovad meile „Kajakas“ Pärnust ja „Kungla“ Torontost.
Noorte rahvatantsurühm „Kajakas“ tõotab rõõmustada meid energiat tulvil tantsude ning hea tantsutehnikaga, millega on nad endale kuulsust kogunud reisides läbi Euroopa.
„Miks teil pole Torontos enam tantsurühma?“ Sellise küsimusega on paljud meie poole pöördunud. Just seetõttu otsustasid grupp endisi tantsijaid ning juhte 2009 sügisel kokku saada, et arutleda kuidas taaselustada rahvatants Torontos. Muretseti ka selle üle, kas oleks piisavalt huvi laste ja nende vanemate hulgas, et taaselustada lasterühm.
Tantsuharjutused algasid 2010 aasta jaanuaris. Lasterühma harjutased toimusid laupäeviti pärast lasteaeda ning Hellakeste ja Hundude koosolemist. Täiskasvanud hakkasid kokku harjutama kolmapäeviti Eesti Maja suures saalis. Tänaseks on „Kungla“-l kokku 60 tantsijat ja seega võib öelda, et tantsuhuvilisi Torontos leidub!
Vabaõhujumalateenistus toimub “Grottos” (www.thegrotto.org), kaunis ja vaikses paigas, mis kuulub Portlandi huvitavamate vaatamisväärsuste hulka. Ürgsed kuused ja rododendronid ümbritsevad pühamut, luues tüüne loodusliku keskkonna. Pühamu keskpunktiks on 110 jala kõrguse kalju jalga raiutud koobas. Laupäeva hommikul kell 9:00 algaval jumalateenistusel teenivad piiskop Andres Taul Torontost Ontarios ja pastor Hendrik Laur Olümpiast Washintonis.
Teenistust kaunistab 150 liikmeline LEP2011 koor, kuhu kuuluvad Unistus, Clackamas Community College’i kammerkoorid ja eesti segakooride liikmed läänerannikult ja Ontariost Kanadas.Ühendkoorid esitavad: ”Tee silmapiirile” – René Eespere, “Taaveti laul” – Cyrillus Kreek, “Hoia Jumal Eestit” – Juhan Aavik, “Eestimaa palve” – Elle-Eha Are ja “Heliseb väljadel” – Urmas Sisask.
Sel ilusal suvehommikul kutsume teid osa saama hingesoojendavast usulis-muusikalisest elamusest ja pühitsema me usku Kristusesse.
The out-door worship service will be held at “The Grotto” (www.thegrotto.org), a beautiful and serene destination on the “must visit list” in Portland. Large fir trees and rhododendrons surround the sanctury and provide a calm, natural setting. The heart of the shrine is a rock cave carved into the 110 foot rock cliff. Bishop Andres Taul, from Toronto, Ontario, and Pastor Hendrik Laur, from Olympia, Washington, will conduct the worship service beginning at 9:00 o’clock on Saturday morning.
The 150 member LEP2011 choir, consisting of Unistus, Clackamas Community College Chamber Choirs, members of Estonian mixed choirs from the West Coast and from Ontario, Canada, will perform during the service. The combined choirs will perform “Tee silmapiirile”, by Rene Eespere, “Taaveti laul”, by Cyrillus Kreek, “Hoia, Jumal, Eestit”, by Juhan Aavik, “Eestimaa Palve”, by Elle-Eha Are, and “Heliseb väljadel”, by Urmas Sisask.
Join us, for a beautiful religious and musical experience, as we celebrate our faith in Christ on this wonderful summer morning!
The LEP golf outing will be at the Heron Lakes Golf Course (greenback course) www.heronlakesgolf.com which is 10 minutes from the Doubletree Hotel on Saturday August 6th first tee-off 8:00 am. For those who require transportation to and from the golf course rides will be provided at 7:00 am. There will be a barbecue lunch starting at 1:00 pm. The cost of the outing is $85.00 per person which includes green fees, the lunch and prizes. Additional optional costs to be paid by individuals at the day of the tournament are a) Carts $26.00 or $13.00 shared, b) Rental Clubs $25.00 a set and c) Driving range balls $3.50 a basket. The cutoff date for signing up for the tournament is July 15th on a first come basis. There is a maximum of 24 golfers.
LEP traditsiooniks on akadeemiliste organisatsioonide kokkusaamine. Serveeritud lõunaeine kõrval tutvume korporatsioonide ja üliõpilasseltside tegevusega nii kodumaal kui Läänerannikul ja arutleme nende rolli üle ühiskonnas kaks aastakümmet pärast Eesti iseseisvumist. Teretulnud on ka gümnaasiumis ja ülikoolides õppivad noored. Organisatsiooni liikemetel palume ilmuda välimärkides.
During LEP members of Estonian academic organizations meet for lunch. We will get acquinted with our academic family and activities in Estonia as well as on the West Coast. We will discuss the role of academic organizations in the society 20 years after regaining independence. High school and university students are welcome. Members please wear your colors.
Meil on hea meel teile esitleda seminare järgnevatel teemadel.
9:00 am. Dr. Rein Lepnurm räägib Eesti rahva tervise muutustest Eestis viimaste aastakümnete jooksul, võrdleb erinevate haiguste mõju elueale ning kirjeldab edusamme, mis on tehtud tervisekindlustuse süsteemis ja arstiabis. Dr. Lepnurm kuulub ajakirja Eesti Arsti Toimetuse Kolleegiumi ja on Saskatchewani Ülikooli Mercuri uurimisgrupi teadusdirektor. Ettekanne on eesti keeles.
10:00 am. Teiseks esinejaks on Eesti suursaadik USAs Väino Reinart, kes väisab Portlandi oma abikaasa Kaire Jürgensoni saatel lühikese visiidiga võttes osa ERKÜ koosolekust ning LEPi Avatseremooniast. Seminaril räägib ta Eesti-USA suhete hetkeseisust ning oma töö kogemustest suursaadikuna.
10:45-11:45 am. Dr Toomas Palm esitab mitteformaalne piltidega ülevaade Eesti ajaloost, rõhutades sündmusi 80-ndatel ning 90-ndatel aastatel, kui iseseisvus sai taastatud. Professsor Palm oli sel hetkel Eestis valitsuse majandusnõunikuna. Loeng toimub inglise keeles.
Seminarid on tasuta. Tulge kuulama ettekandeid nendel huvitavatel teemadel.
Thursday August 4, 9:00 am
We are delighted to bring you few seminars on following topics.
9:00 am. Dr. Rein Lepnurm talks about changes in the Health of Estonian population, compares the effect of various disease groups on life expectancy and describes advances in public health in Estonia over last decades. Dr. Lepnurm is a member of review board of the publication “Eesti Arst” (Estonian Doctor) and Scientific Director of Mercuri Research Group, School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan. We welcome everybody, especially people practicing medicine and those we have used services of Estonian healthcare system.
10:00 am. Estonian Ambassador to US Väino Reinart visits Portland with his wife Kaire Jürgenson and attends Estonian American Council Congress on Wednesday and the Opening Ceremony Concert. He will talk about current US-Estonian relationships and his experience working as an ambassador.
10:45 am. Dr. Toomas Palm gives an informal, illustrated overview of Estonian history, with emphasis on the 80s and 90s, i.e. on the transition to independence. Professor Palm was in the country as an economics adviser to the government as independence was restored. The presentation is in English.
The seminars are free. Please come and learn more about these interesting topics.
1. Brisk 3 mile walk (approx. half hour walk each way)
2. Unlimited possibilities for shopping at Portland Saturday Market, wandering independently around downtown/waterfront, buying snacks from booths, etc.
3. Folks could either walk back together with the ‘group’, walk back independently (if they wanted to leave earlier/later),
or take MAX back to the hotel (Skidmore Fountain MAX station to Lloyd Center/NE 11th MAX Station)
4. fun
The PSU Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ken Selden, performs a broad range of symphonic and chamber orchestra repertoire. Yearly collaborations include performances with the PSU choruses, opera and instrumental faculty. The Symphony also hosts an annual Concerto Competition and Composition Competition. Recent soloists have included world-class artists such as Awadagin Pratt, Matt Haimovitz, Orli Shaham and Manuel Barrueco. Under the direction of Ken Selden since 2006, the PSU Symphony has won three national awards from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).
PSU Symphony Orchestra, mille juhiks on Ken Selden, mängib laiaulatusliku repertuaari, mis haarab nii sümfoonilist kui kammermuusikat. Orkestri tegevuse hulka kuulub koostöö Portlandi Riikliku Ülikooli (PSU) koorilaulu-, ooperi- ja instrumentaalfakulteetidega. Sümfoonia korraldab iga-aastaseid kontserdi- ja kompositsioonivõistlusi. Orkestriga esinenud solistide hulgas on olnud maailmaklassi kunstnikud nagu Awadagin Pratt, Matt Haimowitz, Orli Shaham ja Manuel Barrueco. Ken Selden on orkestrit juhatanud aastast 2006 ja selle aja jooksul on PSU Symphony võitnud 3 üleriiklikku auhinda Ameerika Komponistide, Autorite ja Kirjastajate Seltsilt (ASCAP)
Join us Saturday afternoon at the hotel as Portland’s best musicians perform Estonian music. Performers include Trillium Voices, the Portland State University Symphony Orchestra, Unistus Kammerkoor, the Clackamas Community College Chamber Choir, and the Oregon City High School Choir.
LEP2011 golfiturniir toimub laupäeval, 6. augustil Heron Lakes golfiklubis (väljak Greenback), www.heronlakesgolf.com, mis asub 10-minutilise autosõidu kaugusel Doubletree hotellist. Esimene “tee off” on kell 8:00 hommikul. Vajaduse korral on saadaval sõiduvõimalus alates kella 7:00.
Alates kell 13:00 pakutakse grill-einet. Osavõtuhind on $85.00 inimese pealt, mis katab mängu, eine ja auhinnad. Lisakulud, makstavad kohapeal: käruüür $26.00, või $13.00, kui sõidetakse koos, kepiüür $25.00 komplekti pealt ja harjutuspallid $3.50 korvi eest.
Viimane kuupäev turniirile registreerumiseks on 15. juuli. Suurim osavõtjate arv on 24, registratsiooni saabumise järjekorras.
Parkimine Double Tree hotelli garaazis on tasuta igale LEP külalisele, kes osaleb hotellis toimuvatel üritustel.
Hotelli parklast lahkumiseks on vaja parkimispääset, mida on võimalik saada LEP registratsiooni lauast. Kuna pääsmed on kehtivad konkreetsel kuupäeval, tuleb iga üritustest osavõtu päeval võtta uus parklapääse. Juhul, kui te lahkute ning soovite tagasi tulla samal päeval, palun võtke uus pääse LEP-i registratsioonist.
Hotellis ööbivate külaliste jaoks on garaazis parkimine tasuta. Teie võtmekaart võimaldab lahkuda parklast nii sagedasti kui vajate. Iga toa kohta võib registreerida mitu autot.
Free parking in the hotel garage is available for LEP guests attending any of the events taking place at the Doubletree Hotel.
You will need a pass to exit the parking structure. You may obtain a daily parking pass at the LEP registration table. Each pass is dated, so you will need a new pass each day you attend events. If you need to leave and return on the same day, please pick up a new pass upon your return.
Free parking in the hotel garage is included for overnight guests. Your room key will allow you to exit the parking garage as often as necessary. There may be multiple cars registered per room.
Saturday evening enjoy cocktail hour in the foyer as you wait with anticipation for the ballroom doors to open. Once inside, let the celebration begin! Savor a three-course dinner expertly prepared from such local Pacific Northwest ingredients as tribal caught wild salmon. Immerse yourself in the melodies of bands from Estonia and Portland and be drawn onto the dance floor by their irresistible rhythms.
Põnevuses saaliuste avanemist oodates, nautigem fuajees kokteilitundi. Saali sisenenud, läheb pidu lahti! Maitskem kolme-käigulist, oskuslikult loodekandi toiduainetest valmistatud õhtusööki – muuhulgas kohalike indiaanlaste poolt vabast loodusest püütud lõhe. Laskem end kaasa kiskuda Eesti ja Portlandi bändide helidest ja nende vastupandamatutel rütmidel end tantsupõrandale meelitada.
Thursday/neljapäev August, 4 3:30pm Alderbrook Park
Friday/reede August, 5 5:00 pm Kuld Lõvi
Saturday/laupäev August,6 11:00 am Kuld Lõvi
Sunday/pühapäev August,7 9:00 am Kuld Lõvi
Come learn new Estonian folk songs!
Ahto Nurk and Virve Lääne from Tallinn will teach us new songs and lead everyone in sing-alongs. They are the leaders of the popular singing club “Laulurõõm” in Tallinn. Our “Laulame koos” sing-alongs will be held numerous times throughout the festival, at Rahvapidu as well as in Kuld Lõvi. They will teach us new songs each time. Bring your singing voice, or come to just listen! Please check the schedule for the times and come to each one!
Tulge õppima ja laulma uusi eesti seltskondlike laule!
Ahto Nurk ja Virve Lääne Tallinnast õpetavad meile uusi eesti laule ja saadavd neid pillidel LEP ühislaulmistel „Laulame koos“. Ahto ja Virve on Tallinna populaarse lauluklubi „Laulurõõm“ eestvedajad. Ühislaulmine „Laulame koos“ toimub nii Rahvapeol, kui mitmel korral Kuld Lõvis. Iga kord õpetavad Ahto ja Virve meile uus laule ja kordavad lemmikuid. Võta kaasa lauluhääl või tule lihtsalt kuulma! Jälgi kellaaegu Päevade kavast ning osale kõigis ühislaulmistes!
Planning for the Portland Estonian West Coast Festival has become intense. The organizers of the festival are meeting in numerous committees throughout each week, and reporting to the Board of Directors every other Friday. We sense the increased momentum with each passing week as projects are completed and new projects begin. There is a feeling of excitement and anticipation among the organizers!
Pärnu folk dance ensemble Kajakas was founded in 1951 and its current director is Rita Mändla. The ensemble is composed of 6 dance groups with dancers aged 12- 58. Of these six troupes, the advanced youth folk dance troupe will be coming to Portland.
Kajakas has performed in Europe, in Africa and also in America. The dance group performs traditional Estonian folk dances, as well as theatrical and choreographed dance performances.
Kuld Lõvi on ruum, mis avatud hommikust õhtuni ja mõeldud kõigile kogunemise paigaks – elutoaks. Siin toimuvad esinemised, foorumid, koosviibimised, töökojad ja rohkelt ühistegevust!
Kuld Lõvi on kohaks, kus leiad hea võimaluse sõpradega koos olla!
Throughout the course of our festival, the Kuld Lõvi hall is available for us as a festival “Living Room”. This hall will be filled with ongoing performances, forums, and workshops to enhance your festival experience!
You will enjoy this facility as a wonderful place to meet your friends throughout the day and evening.
The Independent Film Channel (IFC) features a dreamy, absurd, and comedic view of Portland in their series Portlandia. Although rated for cable and not appealing to all, it does bring out the diversity and weirdness of Portland in a creative and humorous way. Visit the Portlandia site for previews and past episodes.
LEP 2011 õlle-komitee on töötanud pikalt ja hoolega, et valida välja festivali spetsiaal õlu. Koostöös Cascade Brewing Co. on õlle-komitee sobiva õlu leidnud. Päevade õluks on Farm House Ale, mille kääritamisel on kasutatud Prantsuse Saison pärmi. Õllemeister Ron Gansberg Cascade Brewing Co.-st on entusiastlik meie ühise koostöö suhtes Päevade õlle pruulimisel.
Vaata lähemalt http://www.cascadebrewing.com/
The LEP 2011 Festival Beer Committee has been working long and hard on coming up with an extra ordinary beer for the festival. With a collaborative effort with Cascade Brewing Co. (http://www.cascadebrewing.com/) and the beer committee a festival beer has been chosen. The LEP 2011 Festival Beer will be a Farm House Ale using French Saison yeast. Ron Gansberg, Brew Master, at Cascade Brewing is very enthusiastic about our project and is looking forward to working with us and brewing our beer. Stay tuned for further updates.
Organisatsioonide kongress (avatud kõigile)
Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides korraldusel. Kolmapäeval 3.august kell 12:00 Pacific NW Ballroom
Kavas sõnavõtt Eesti Suursaadik Väino Reinarti poolt.
Congress of Estonian Organizations (open to all) - organized by the Estonian American National Council, Inc. Wednesday, August 3 at 12pm Pacific NW Ballroom
Keynote address by Estonian Ambassador Väino Reinart.
Valmis on saanud eesti ning inglise keelne 2011 aasta Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade Teated nr.1
Teated nr.1 sisaldab informatsiooni majutuse ja esinejate kohta, ürituste ülevaadet ning kontaktandmeid osalejate jaoks. Lugemiseks kliki kõrval olevatele piltidele. Head lugemist!
Teated nr.1 ilmus 28.septembril 2010.
Here are the Eesti and English language Newsletters for the 2011 West Coast Estonian Days. Learn about the latest lodging, invitation to performers, invitations to clergy, performers, and program of events.
We will be publishing these newsletters periodically. Last published on September 28, 2010.
Kati Tamm and Lonnie Cline have developed the following choral selections for the mass choirs. Printed choral songbooks will be distributed to each city in a couple of weeks.
Kati Tamm ja Lonnie Cline on saanud kokku LEP2011 koorilaulude valiku. Trükitud laulikud kooridele saavad valmis ning jõuavad linnadesse lähinädalate jooksul.
Koit, by Lüdig
Lõikuse laul, by Ernesaks
Väike maa, by Lattikas
Laul põhjamaast, by Vinter
Mu isamaa on minu arm, by Ernesaks
Song & Dance Festival – Friday, 8/5/2011 reede – Hõissa Tuljak!
Laulik, by Aavik
Ilus maa, by Rannap
Ta lendab mesipuu poole, by Sarapik
Sinilind, by Valgre
Meeste laul, by Tormis
Mehed ja naised, by Rips
Ei takista vallid, rahvaviis
Ma kõndisin vainul, by Kreek
Viru lauliku mõtted, by Mägi
Tuljak, by Härma
Isamaa ilu hoieldes, by Matiisen
Worship Service – Saturday, 8/6/2011 laupäev – Vabaõhu jumalateenistus
Tee silmapiirile, by Eespere
Taaveti laul, by Kreek
Eestimaa palve, by Eha-Are
Heliseb väljadel, by Sisask
Hoia Jumal eestit, by Aavik
The West Coast Estonian Days celebrate 30th anniversary. Lets look back at these lapel pins that have been symbols of our festivals. Click on pictures with your mouse to see the emblems larger.
Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad järjekorra number on jõudnud 30-ni. Teeme siin kohal tagasivaate kasutusel olevate Päevade sümbolitele. Kliki hiirega embleemil, et näha seda suuremalt.